Tuesday, April 8, 2008

First time....

Lately I have been thinking that I should journal more, document everything and look back on what I was doing. But that was going to end up as one of those things that I add to my list, right behind "buy a house sometime soon" and "start saving money for buying a house." It was the idea to keep in touch with my friends that got me started with this blog thing. Also, I will have to give credit to my wonderful friends who inspired my blog title. I promise to proofread at lease once before posting. So here it goes.... Best Weekend Ever!!! Can I just say "WOW!!!"? It was just near perfect. Friday night I had an amazing date with my boyfriend at a nice restaurant, followed by drinks and a bar (which just so happens to be our 11th month anniversary, but we are eager optimists and we celebrated us dating for a full year). Saturday I got an great hair cut for only $15. Then I went out with my girlfriends that night. Sunday I slept in, had a picnic with 2 of my closest friends, took a bike ride, played a few matches of doubles tennis and then a movie. Hopefully these good time will carry over to tonight because my March Madness Champion pick is leading the final game 56-49 with less than 4 min on the board. I need Memphis to win just so my bracket won't look like a total failure. I mean, I picked Duke to the final four, that is embarrassing! But being cooped up indoors all winter and then going full force on the first nice spring day can really take its toll on your body in so many ways. My lack of butt fat had given me a sore tailbone from sitting on my bicycle. All of the muscles on the backside of my body are sore I can barely move. I look look like a plastic doll trying to walk.
Back to the basketball game; we are in overtime and I have teeth marks on the side of my hand. Apparently I'm a masochist biter when it's clench time. It's better than the screamer in the apartment below me, at least when I get worked up I'm the only one who suffers. (geeze lady, pipe down!)

okay...... wait for it.........c'mon Memphis.....why didn't Kansas play like this last year when I picked them to win......Those Kansas cheerleaders aren't really that cute.........oh my goodness, it's 10 till 11pm!.................game.......Kansas :(
Game's over, and now my boyfriend calls. Figures. :)


Jennifer said...

yea! now we can be blogging friends too! welcome to the club!

and I picked Duke in the final four too, but I also picked Kansas to win, so it worked out :)

Allison Nichols said...

yay! now i have yours and Jennifer's blogs to keep me entertained at work!

ps.I feel special that I was a part of the "best weekend ever"! :)