Thursday, March 17, 2011

New City, New Home

We are not even a quarter of the way into 2011 and already Zac and I have enough changes to last us a few years. So to summarize in 40 words or less: Zac has a new job with American Eagle, which is in Pittsburgh. He has been there since the end of January and I have been in Nashville finishing up at TSC and preparing the house for the rental market.
Which brings me to where we are this week. We bought a new house! Well actually we are under contract for a new house. We decided to live in the city because we wanted the urban experience where you can walk to the store ride your bike to work. (Well, maybe, we will see. I will 1st have to figure out not to have helment hair at the office.)
Now that we have this place we want visitors! We now have space for guest and want our family and friends to come spend some time with in our new city.

Here are a few pictures of our new place.


Allison Nichols said...

Love the new place! I can't wait to come visit! :)

Jennifer said...

Congrat guys! The place looks awesome and the urban experience sounds like fun - would love to try it one day.

lesleydaviesphotography said...